You and Me under the Canopy: Winter's Gifts
(Ages 3–6)
Reservations begin November 30.
On the first day of winter nature gave to me…a cardinal in an oak tree! Discover the joy of nature’s gifts as we practice counting in our own “12 Days of Winter” song. We’ll also read a winter story. Explore how animals live in Missouri and make a craft to remember the wonders winter brings us! Meet the naturalist at the Stupp Center.
While the plan is to have this program outside, it will be moved indoors if there is inclement weather. Participants will be notified prior if it is moved indoors.
For the safety of participants and our staff, MDC asks all guests observe social distancing guidelines and maintain at least 6 feet from others. Bringing and wearing face coverings is encouraged when indoors, or any time visitors are unable to maintain at least 6 feet from others. Local ordinances requiring face masks will be observed where applicable.