Planned Giving

Considering a Bequest to benefit Tower Grove Park beyond your lifetime?

Individuals who notify the Park of their planned gift are invited to join the Tower Grove Park Legacy Society, which includes permanent recognition in the Piper Palm House and an invitation to an annual event.

The official legal bequest language for Tower Grove Park is:
“I, [name], of [city, state, ZIP], give, devise, and bequeath to Tower Grove Park [written amount or percentage of the state or description of property] for its unrestricted use and purpose.”

Please consult with your estate planning professional to confirm your intentions. Your gift will ensure that this National Historic Landmark, Tower Grove Park, will continue to be a splendid setting for recreation, reflection, beauty, and renewal of the human spirit for many generations to come.

For questions or more information about planned giving, please contact (314) 771-4484, or submit the form below.

Please send me more information about planned giving to Tower Grove Park: