Tower Grove Park receives MDC TRIM grant for forestry care

Tower Grove Park again received a generous grant from the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) to fund crucial forestry projects for our arboretum. This winter, our Forestry Team will complete three separate endeavors to improve tree quality and staff’s training in arboriculture. A portion of the funding for these projects was made available through the MDC’s Tree Resource Improvement and Maintenance (TRIM) program.

“By accessing these cost share grants, Missouri communities can do more to plan and manage their trees,” said MDC Community Forestry Programs Supervisor Russell Hinnah on MDC’s website. “TRIM grant recipients focus on keeping their neighborhood trees healthy and thriving, which translates to a whole host of social, economic, and environmental benefits for the community and the state. Properly caring for your community’s trees helps make your town safe and beautiful.”

First, the grant will cover two exam registration fees for our arborists to become International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) Certified Arborists. Once our two staff members pass the exam, we’ll have six certified arborists who maintain the forest with rare and aging specimens.

The grant will also help cover the cost of pruning over 80 large oak trees. The oak trees are in large groups and have never been pruned before. Our staff, with the help of a contractor, will remove dead, broken, and decayed branches, which will help sustain good health and decrease the likelihood of the trees becoming diseased.

Finally, the MDC TRIM grant will support our Forestry Supervisor, Andy Berg’s technical training in the field. He will attend the Society of Municipal Arborists’ Municipal Forestry Institute (MFI). MFI is an intense, week-long training for urban foresters throughout the country and will focus on developing a leadership approach to forestry management. The training will cover thinking and planning strategically to advance our program, working effectively with boards, coalitions and non-profit organizations, and managing the relationship between people and trees.

Thank you, MDC, for again awarding Tower Grove Park with a generous grant to conserve our urban forest!

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